LEAD Library - Studies Linkedin For breakdowns of all our library context follow us on LinkedIn! ✨Capturing the value of peer support: measuring recovery-oriented services✨ ✨Supervision of the mental health lived experience workforce✨ The lived experience workforce: The importance of respectfully embedding lived experience at all levels of service design and production ✨Enhancing Role Integrity for Peer Workers✨ ✨Transgender Lived Experience in Social Work: A Critical Discourse Analysis✨ ✨Guiding principles for lived experience decision-making ✨ ✨Guiding principles for lived experience decision-making ✨ Exploring community and the mental health lived experience landscape ‘You Don’t Know What you Don’t Know.’ The essential role of management exposure, understanding and commitment in peer workforce development ✨Organisational Actions for Improving Recognition, Integration and Acceptance of Peer Support as Identified by a Current Peer Workforce✨ How much ‘Lived Experience’ is enough? Understanding mental health Lived Experience work from a management perspective. A role for Lived Experience mental health leadership in the age of Covid-19 ✨Capturing the value of peer support: measuring recovery-oriented services✨ ✨Guiding principles for lived experience decision-making ✨ The lived experience workforce: The importance of respectfully embedding lived experience at all levels of service design and production ✨Enhancing Role Integrity for Peer Workers✨ ✨Capturing the value of peer support: measuring recovery-oriented services✨ The global need for Lived Experience leadership Skin in the Game: The professionalisation of Lived Experience roles in mental health. ‘You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know’: Management Exposure, Understanding and Commitment in Lived Experience Workforce Development’ ✨Living with Experience in the Academy: Pressures to Disclose in Routine Research Activities✨ Lived experience experts: a name created by us for us. Lived experience contributions to research. “The peer workers, they get it”–how lived experience expertise strengthens therapeutic alliances in a hospital setting ✨Lived experience insights from A scoping review of trauma informed approaches in acute, crisis, emergency, and residential mental health care.✨ Informing and Sustaining Participation of Lived Experience in the Suicide Prevention Workforce (Under)valuing lived experience in the disability workforce: A snapshot of Australian job recruitment Supporting employees with mental illness and reducing mental illness-related stigma in the workplace: an expert You Just Treat me like a Human Being': Using Lived Experience to (Re) imagine Boundary Practices in mental health settings ✨Assessing Mental Healthcare Worker Experiences of Workplace Fairness and Organizational Value: A National Survey of Peer-Support Specialists✨ (Under)valuing lived experience in the disability workforce: A snapshot of Australian job recruitment ✨Listening to the experts: person-centred approaches to supporting autistic people in the mental health system✨ You Just Treat me like a Human Being': Using Lived Experience to (Re) imagine Boundary Practices in mental health settings ✨A balancing act: navigating the nuances of co-production in mental health research✨ ✨Experiences of a peer group for people diagnosed with borderline personality disorder: A qualitative interview study✨ ✨Non-peer professionals' understanding of recovery and attitudes towards peer support workers joining existing community mental health teams✨ ✨Temporalities of peer support: the role of digital platforms in the ‘living presents’ of mental ill-health✨ ✨Experience of naturally occurring peer support among people using psychiatric day-care in China: an interpretative phenomenology approach✨ ✨The wages of peer recovery workers: underpaid, undervalued, and unjust✨ ✨Representing the experiences of charity peer leaders facilitating well-being interventions to their peers using a constructivist grounded theory methodology✨ ✨Temporalities of peer support: the role of digital platforms in the ‘living presents’ of mental ill-health✨ ✨Experience of naturally occurring peer support among people using psychiatric day-care in China: an interpretative phenomenology approach✨ ✨Peer workers to address discrimination against women in psychiatry and mental health✨ ✨Perceptions of Peer Support for Victim-Survivors of Sexual Violence and Abuse✨ ✨Using peer workers with lived experience to support the treatment of borderline personality disorder: a qualitative study of consumer, carer and clinician perspectives✨ ✨The effects of Australia’s first residential peer-support Suicide Prevention and Recovery Centre (SPARC)✨ ✨Actions targeting the integration of peer workforces in mental health organisations: a mixed-methods systematic review✨ ✨Lived experience allyship in mental health services: Recommendations for improved uptake of allyship roles in support of peer workforces✨ Developing inclusive and healthy organizations by employing designated lived-experience roles: Learning from human resource management innovation in the mental health sector. ✨An ecological implementation model for peer support✨ ✨Relational Complexity of the Near-Age Peer Support Provider Role in Youth and Young Adult Community Mental Health Settings✨ ✨From lived experience to experiential knowledge: A working model✨ ✨How peer support specialists uniquely initiate and build connection with young people experiencing homelessness✨ ✨‘Walking the tightrope’: The role of peer support workers in facilitating consumers’ participation in decision-making✨ ✨The effectiveness, implementation, and experiences of peer support approaches for mental health: a systematic umbrella review✨ ✨‘Things you can't learn from books’: Teaching recovery from a lived experience perspective✨ ✨Developing and evaluating mental health lived experience practitioner (LXP) roles in an NHS trust✨ ✨Employment of Certified Peer Specialists in Mental Health Professional Shortage Areas✨ ✨Peer work and recovery: a relationship approach✨ ✨Bearing Witness: The Impact of Lived Experience Educators Participating in Social Work Student Supervision during Placement✨ ✨Psychiatrization of Resistance: The Co-option of Consumer, Survivor, and Ex-patient Movements✨ived experience practitioner (LXP) roles in an NHS trust✨ ✨Peer Support Work in Hospital: A First Person and Lived Experience Guide✨ ✨‘Keeping it real’: A qualitative exploration of preferences of people with lived experience for participation and active involvement in mental health research✨ ✨The Lived Experience of Autistic Adults in Employment: A Systematic Search and Synthesis✨ ✨"Shared experience makes this all possible”: documenting the guiding principles of peer-led services for people released from prison✨ ✨"We need to get paid our value'" -Work place experiences of Peers✨ ✨Alternatives to Suicide Research Project: Exploring the Experiences and Impacts of a Peer-based Approach to Responding to suicidal distress✨ ✨Self-casting and alter-casting: Healthcare professionals’ boundary work in response to peer workers✨ ✨Preventing, reducing, and attenuating restraint: A prospective controlled trial of the implementation of peer support in acute psychiatry✨ ✨Does the peer-led Honest, Open, Proud program reduce stigma’s impact for everyone? ✨ ✨Implementing a peer work program in integrated youth mental health settings✨ ✨A co-design living labs philosophy of practice for end-to-end research design to translation with people with lived-experience of mental ill-health and carer/family and kinship groups✨ ✨Organisational Actions for Improving Recognition, Integration and Acceptance of Peer Support as Identified by a Current Peer Workforce✨ ✨“Do I feel safe here?” Organisational climate and mental health peer support worker experience✨ ✨Strengthening Review and Publication of Participatory Mental Health Research to Promote Empowerment and Prevent Co-optation✨ I have not come here because I have nothing better to do: The lived experience of presenting to the emergency department✨ ✨Workers with Lived and Living Experience: Characteristics and Wellbeing in the Australian AOD Sector✨ ✨The effectiveness of peer support from a person with lived experience of mental health challenges for young people with anxiety and depression: a systematic review✨ ✨Mental Health Peer-Led Cafés-A Complementary Approach to Traditional Crisis Care: A Protocol for a Systematic Scoping Review✨ " ✨Unleashing the Potential of our Health Workforce✨" ✨How co-production is used to improve the quality of services and people’s experience of care: A literature review✨ ✨Peer Worker Perspectives on Barriers and Facilitators: Implementation of Recovery-Oriented Practice in a Public Mental Health Service✨ ✨Dispelling myths and challenging neglect in ‘borderline personality disorder’ healthcare: a lived-experience perspective✨ ✨Epistemic injustice and mental health research: A pragmatic approach to working with lived experience expertise✨ ✨Worker’s experiences of self-disclosure within domestic abuse support services and women’s voluntary, community, and social enterprise (VCSE) organizations✨ ✨Typology of Mental Health Peer Support Work Components: Systematised Review and Expert Consultation✨ "✨Towards a Meaningful Evaluation Framework for Peer Work✨" ✨‘I felt part of the solution’. A qualitative study about the interface between lived experience advocates, professionals and organisations in the field of persistent pain✨ ✨The importance of going beyond consumer or patient involvement to lived experience leadership✨ ✨‘It's like a much deeper understanding and you kind of believe them more …’: The value of peer support for young people affected by sexual violence✨ ✨Our Wished-for Responses: Recommendations for Creating a Lived and Embodied Sense of Safety During Mental Health Crisis✨ ✨Resistance to the biomedicalization of mental illness through peer support: The case of peer specialists and mental health✨ ✨Autistic-delivered peer support: A feasibility study✨ ✨Assessing Mental Healthcare Worker Experiences of Workplace Fairness and Organizational Value: A National Survey of Peer-Support Specialists✨ ✨Early experiences of peer support workers starting employment in a mental health charity: a case study✨ ✨Peer-support groups for suicide loss survivors: A systematic review✨ ✨Certified Peer Support in the Field of Homelessness: Stories Behind the Work✨ ✨Connection, disconnection and reconnection in peer support: a summary of the case of “Christopher”✨ ✨Exploring perspectives of stigma and discrimination among people with lived experience of mental health conditions✨ ✨What supports the emotional well-being of peer workers in an NHS mental health service?✨ ✨“That feeling of solidarity and not being alone is incredibly, incredibly healing”: A qualitative study of participating in suicide bereavement peer support groups✨