LEAD Library - Guidance Documents Linkedin For breakdowns of all out library content follow us on LinkedIn! "✨Towards a Meaningful Evaluation Framework for Peer Work✨ " ✨Mental health lived experience narratives; recommendations for avoiding misuses and adopting good practice✨ ✨Mental health, human rights and legislation Guidance and practice✨ ✨Valuing lived experience in the workforce✨ "✨How to set up a Quality Improvement Lived Experience Advisory Panel✨ " ✨Black -led impact organisations - The lived experience report✨ ✨Pathways For Supporting The ‘Not Negotiable’ Lived Experience (Peer) Workforces To Thrive✨ ✨Mental Health Commission of New South Wales - Insights Report: The role of Peer Navigators✨ ✨Employing people with Lived Experience of multiple and complex needs- an employers toolkit✨ ✨Knowing your legal rights in the workplace as someone with Lived Experience of physical or mental illness✨ The stigma as having identifying as having a lived experience runs before me: challenges for lived experience roles 🚨Suicide prevention in England:🚨 5-year cross-sector strategy ✨HOW CAN I GET INVOLVED IN SUICIDE PREVENTION AS A PERSON WITH LIVED EXPERIENCE OF SUICIDE?✨ ✨Linking Suicide Prevention Strategies with Autism Strategies and Including the Autistic Community: A lived experience perspective✨ The PEER Support Bill ✨Development of an online suicide prevention program involving people with lived experience: ideas and challenges✨ ✨What can be done to decrease suicidal behaviour in Australia?✨ Being Prepared for Emotionally Demanding Research Lived Experience of peer support programmes for suicide prevention a scoping review Lived Experience Leadership – mapping the Lived Experience Landscape in Mental Health Considering career pathways for peer support workers Lived experience leadership for organisation and systems change: A scoping review of concepts and evidence To disclose or not disclose? Peer workers impact on a culture of safe disclosure for mental health professionals with Lived Experience. Lived Experience practitioners and the medical model: World’s colliding? Recovery as a Lived Experience discipline: A grounded theory study. Recording Lived Experience – Guidance for recording victim/survivor stories ✨Developing a Peer Workforce for Eating Disorders Exploring the Evidence✨ "✨Promoting peer and lived experience support within the community's mental Health Transformation for Older Adults ✨" ✨Peer Support Work in Hospital: A First Person and Lived Experience Guide✨ "✨Service user, consumer and peer workforce - A guide for managers and employers✨" "✨An eating disorder-focused peer workforce: Needs assessment✨" ✨Working well together - Evidence and tools to enable co-production in mental health commissioning "✨Lived Experience Leading The Way Peer Support in Mental Health✨" ✨Exploring “community” and the mental health lived experience landscape✨ ✨Psychosocial Hazards in the Lived Experience (Peer) Workforce✨ ✨Launching the Lived Experience in Policymaking Guide: Reflections on the principles, behaviours, and mindsets that underpin lived experience work✨ ✨hashtag#We Are the Evidence Too - The views and evidence of people with lived experience of gambling harms✨ "✨Cultural, Lived experience and Identity Knowledge (CLIK) Guide Building an Intersectional Lived Experience Workforce in the Family Violence and Sexual Assault Sectors✨" "✨Reflective practice for the mātau ā-wheako consumer, peer support and lived experience workforce A guide for kaiwhakahaere/managers✨" ✨Five Principles of Perinatal Peer Support - What does good look like?✨ ✨Voice and Lived Experience of Children and Young People Guidance for Practitioners✨ ✨Peer Educator Handbook Your role and responsibilities as a Peer Educator.✨ "✨Peer support roles in the mental health workforce - examples of current practice✨" ✨Co-production Guide Connecting and Realising Value Through People✨ "✨He arataki ki ngā kaimahi mātau ā-wheako: A guide to the consumer, peer support, and lived experience workforce in mental health and addiction settings✨" ✨Experts by Experience; Guidelines to support the development of Peer Worker roles in the mental health sector✨ ✨People Helping People: Peer support that changes lives✨ ✨Autistic Voices Report captures local people's lived experiences✨ ✨A Guide to Sharing Recovery Stories✨ ✨Peer Support for People with Dementia Resource Pack✨ "✨Centring Lived Experience: A strategic approach for leaders✨" ✨Trauma informed workplaces for those with Lived Experience ✨ "✨Lived Experience Panels Consulting to Inquiries: Maximising Benefits and Minimising Harms✨" ✨Evaluation of the national suicide prevention leadership group✨ ✨Co-production and quality improvement – a resource guide✨ ✨Research Involvement Groups: Recruitment Plan Checklist✨ ✨Public involvement in mental health research✨ ✨My Voice Matters - A guide for people who want to share their lived experience✨ ✨Gathering lived experiences - a guide for anyone supporting people to share their stories of mental health and suicide✨ ✨National Practice Guidelines for Peer Specialists and Supervisors✨ ✨Guidelines for the Practice and Training of Peer Support✨ ✨Evidence update for most minor restrictive practice in Aotearoa New Zealand: Vicarious trauma✨ ✨“Whatever journey you want to take, I’ll support you through”: a mixed methods evaluation of a peer worker program in the hospital emergency department"✨